
December 12, 2013 - Day of Vigil for the Unborn

Day of Vigil for the Unborn

On the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Where : Across the street from the abortuary at 65 Bank St. in Ottawa
When : From 8am to 5pm
Check with your parish Pro-Life representative for the time slot assigned to your parish
(If your parish is not participating, have your parish representative contact us or just show up during the day.)

Your time is precious...

so are the unborn.

Please join us - you really do make all the difference.
Bring a friend.


For those who are unable to come in person, please be with us in prayer.

Parish representatives click here for resources

Add a banner to your website

Simply copy and paste the code into your html:

Resources for parish pro-life representatives:

Download a poster (.pdf format) by clicking  the following image: http://helpersottawa.org/docs/Helpers_vigil_2013-12-12_EN.pdf
Download sign-up sheets: Full page sheet:
Half page sheets: Helpers_Vigil_registration_2013-12-12.pdf
Download Reminder cards (with code of conduct):
These cards could be handed out to people as they sign-up as a reminder of their commitment. They also include our code of conduct.

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